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Fatkhan On Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Search Engine Optimization increases traffic to your website. In fact, it is the important factor that makes a search engine pick up your site. Good Quality Copywriting makes more traffic to your website and makes those visitors to return to your website again.

The lure of fresh and ‘new’ content will keep them coming. According to SEO Haus team project Manager, Raj “In the SEO game, repeat traffic is more important than first-time visitors. Repeat visitors are more likely to do business with your company. A good quality ‘write –up’ will make sure that the text displayed in your site is ‘relevant’ for the search engine.

It will make sure that the content is specific and synchronized with the keywords. The text of the copy should target local websites for the person who is ‘searching’ from his or her location. The right ‘segment’ of the audience will get directed to your site. For instance, if your target audience is men into sports or athletics looking for sporty clothes, SEO will ensure that particularly these people are targeted.

The SEO consultants can also create new market by targeting other or linking sports equipment and nutritional supplements manufacturer’s website links with your website. A mutual ‘agreement’ between two parties would be needed.

Now, that we have established that the ‘right’ copy is downright essential for website promotion, lets talk about ‘who’ should do this writing. We recommend that you let professional writers do it for you at least the first time. You can also do it yourself if you have excellent communication skills and have a journalistic or a marketing background. Just make sure your title contains keywords.

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