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Fatkhan On Senin, 18 Mei 2009

It is human to desire a platform where you can express your thoughts and ideas. Blogs is such a platform where people can say whatever they feel like openly. Before the invention of blogs, people had to create a website to express their ideas which used to be quite costly. But blogs have given people a way to express themselves and it doesn’t even cost anything. Following are eight way to do excellent blogging-

1) The first step is to create an account on the website offering blogging facility. Make sure that the website has high traffic and you will get enough readers.

2) The next step is to choose the subject on which you want to write your blog. Always choose a subject that is familiar to you and which you will be able write easily on.

3) The third step is to write an interesting title of your blog to attract more readers. These titles are the point on which people judge blog and it should be impressive.

4) You must also choose the language and writing style carefully. It should be according to the readers you are trying to target with your blog.

5) The next step is obviously to write the blog itself. Writing the blog should be a pleasurable thing to do and you should not write it in very serious way. The blog should be interesting.

6) The sixth step is to update the blog entries regularly. This will bring the readers back to your blog and they will look forward to your next entry.

7) The next step is to promote your product, services or website through the blog. You can do this providing the links to your website or similar websites in your blogs.

8) The last step is to have the blog search engine optimized.

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